Wednesday, December 31, 2014

reddit in 2014

2014 is wrapping up and today is the last day before we all have to start dressing like this. So let us clamber aboard a time machine and see what happened this past year on this crazy website we call reddit.

First, some deliciously incomprehensible numbers:

In 2014 reddit had:
  • 71.25 billion pageviews
  • Over 8 thousand active communities
  • 54.9 million posts and submissions
  • 535 million comments
  • 3.73 billion comment votes 1
  • 2.01 billion link votes 1
  • 886,745 reddit live updates posted
  • 89,602 redditors gifted reddit gold 2
  • 386,803 redditgifts exchange signups
  • 1.6 million official reddit app installs
  • 1 lambeosaurus
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However, numbers mean nothing without the redditors and communities that make reddit amazing.

As always, /r/AskReddit has some great end of year threads:

Subreddit Best Ofs!

See more at /r/bestof2014

A selection of the top gilded posts and comments of 2014:

And not forgetting the best of the redditgifts secret santa

So let’s raise our glasses and celebrate another year gone by, while we roll in 2015 not with a bang, but an upvote!

1 Total comment and link votes were incorrectly labelled when this post was published.
2 This figure was incorrectly calculated when this blogpost was published and has been updated to reflect the actual total.
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