Wednesday, December 03, 2014

Because cats.

we just can't handle this excitement

Everyone knows reddit and cats are inseparably and beautifully bound together in internet matrimony, and we want to celebrate this union by sharing a box of cat love for you and your pet, from the front page of the internet. We're excited to announce a partnership between the redditgifts marketplace and KitNipBox formed specially to make all your cat's dreams come true this holiday season.
Recognize the new packaging for the marketplace from when we did our scavenger hunt? Did we also mention it turns into a cozy cat cottage?

But wait, there's more!

We’re even putting stuff in the cat-house-box. KitNipBox is filling it with amazing cat toys, including LOTS of catnip, high-end feline fashion accessories, and delicious all-natural treats to check off every item on your kitty’s wishlist. On average, people spend $50 on Christmas gifts for their pets. This box is worth that $50—but we’re selling it for $25. You can learn more about everything that’s included here.
Sound too good to be true? It is. Here’s the catch: We only made 500 1000* of them. Get yours now before they’re gone, and do something nice for your cat this Christmas!

*EDIT: WOWWW, you guys and your cats are amazing! We just decided to make another 500 boxes because you guys bought the first 500 in 42 minutes. Please make your kitty companions happy!

Want your cat to be famous?

After you receive your box, take pictures of your cat and share them in one of the many great cat-love subreddits on reddit, whether it's /r/cats, /r/catgifs, /r/catvideos, /r/catpictures, /r/aww, /r/catsinbusinessattire (because your cat will totally belong there once the bowtie arrives), /r/catsstandingup, /r/startledcats (because our boxes are totally scary),/r/catloaf, /r/catsvstechnology, /r/blep, /r/catpranks, or helping to grow the tiny /r/catsinboxes. We'll be on the lookout for our favorite photos and feature them in ads on reddit (with your permission, of course) so your cat can achieve internet fame.

As always, we appreciate your continued support of reddit through buying gold and advertising, shopping the reddit marketplace, creating campaigns on redditmade, and of course, spoiling your cat rotten.
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