Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Free ad campaigns for international advertisers!

Promoted posts on reddit are a great way to learn about a new movie, ask a company directly about their claims to be the best chair for gaming comfort, or discover new ways to test your basketball prowess. An ad campaign starts at as little as $5 to run and serves an important outlet for any redditor and advertiser to shamelessly promote their product, service, content or hobby.

We’ve been working hard to improve this platform and have just released some location targeting on the frontpage that will make ads more relevant for location specific products and services like movie premieres (as oftentimes there are different release dates in different countries), products that can only ship to specific areas, concert or other meetups in specific cities, and more.

 Targeting by country and cities has been available within the image ads you see (thanks for not using AdBlock, by the way!) for quite some time. Here’s a description of how it works on promoted posts and what we’re doing to let you know if it’s possible that you’re seeing an ad based on your location.

We have a longstanding tradition to give out free promoted posts on reddit to different categories of advertisers as the whim takes us. We’ve given away free ads to crowdfunded projects, small local businesses, nonprofit organizations, and those looking to hire redditors.

In honor of our international friends and this new ability, we’d like to offer 200 small ad campaigns for companies who want to set up some of the first ads targeted based on country viewing from. Do you have an ad that you’d like to show Canadians? Aussies? Swedes?

To claim your chance at a free international campaign:

  1. Using your reddit account visit and click "create an ad." 
  2. You can choose "link" or "text". These work like organic reddit posts — a link ad will link externally to your projects URL. A text post will link to the comment section with your text sticked in a box at the top. The text box provides space for describing your project or including other information with your link. 
  3. Fill out the two boxes, then click "next". 
  4. When you've done the above, and clicked "next", you will arrive at your campaign dashboard. Copy the URL of the campaign dashboard page. 
  5. With that URL handy, please fill out this form
Ad dollars on reddit are money well spent. Not only are you supporting your goals and reddit, you're also giving back to the reddit community. 10% of all ad revenue (not profit, revenue) in 2014 will be given to non-profits chosen by redditors. If you’d like to follow along with or share thoughts about ads on reddit, please subscribe to /r/ads (discussion around image ads) and /r/selfserve (discussion around the promoted post system). To learn more about advertising campaigns on reddit, please visit or email And to all our advertisers — thank you for helping support the reddit community!
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