Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Better know a reddit logo (AKA, the Colbert Bump)

You may have heard that Stephen Colbert gave reddit a shoutout last week during his segment introducing Movits! (who rock, btw) a Swedish swing-hip-hop-jazz band he discovered on our site.

Needless to say (and as I'm sure my neighbors can attest) we got a little excited. And yes, though it wasn't a direct Colbert Bump - more of a Colbert Nudge - we did see a nice little spike the following day. Movits! is no doubt feeling Äppelknyckarjazz-tastic after the exposure; we'll be running some complimentary ads on reddit for their new album because they rock (röck?) so much.

The day after Colbert

Even hugging you, they're still the #1 threat to America

Luckily, Stephen Jr. saved the day

If this were Mortal Kombat, Colbert would have just scored a fatality (or maybe animality?)

Here's the video, for your viewing pleasure:
The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Colbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical HumorTasers
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