Thursday, August 06, 2009

reddit + TED Interview Sir Ken Robinson

Submit and vote on questions here.

Our relationship with TED started not long after their famous talks began appearing on our front page; the talks were so well liked that we made them a featured channel on reddit.TV. And one of their most viewed talks was delivered by Sir Ken Robinson, whom reddit has the privilege of interviewing with our friends at TED.

Sir Ken is a creativity expert. He challenges the way we're educating our children, and champions a radical rethinking of our school systems to better cultivate creativity and acknowledge multiple types of intelligence. His latest book, The Element, looks at how we find our creative passion.

If you haven't seen his brilliant, funny talk yet, see below. If you're ready to submit and vote on the best questions for Sir Ken, click here; our partners at TED will ask him the top 10 questions as of Monday evening, 7pm Eastern.

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