Thursday, January 31, 2013

Welcome New Admin Chad (a.k.a. Deimorz)!

We are excited to announce the newest member of team reddit: Chad Birch a.k.a. Deimorz. Many of you already know Deimorz from his many fine contributions to the community including the mighty AutoModerator bot, that now helps moderate about 500 subreddits. We're thrilled to be able to bring him on board the mothership, and plan on putting him to work on reddit gold features right away. We'll let Chad tell you a little bit about himself:

I grew up in the small town of Cranbrook, British Columbia (Canada), but now live in Calgary, Alberta. You might already have seen me around reddit - I moderate /r/Games (not to be confused with /r/gaming), run the stattit reddit statistics site, and am quite active in the "meta"-type subreddits (including recently being named "top contributor of the year" in /r/TheoryOfReddit's Best of 2012). I'm excited to be joining the team, and am especially happy about finally having a good excuse to give my wife for why I'm spending so much of my free time on the site.

None of us would be able to work at this job we love without the community. Thank you all for your support and contributions. Whether it's through reddit gold, ads, amazing mod work, contributing to our open source code, being active in the reddit dev community, or just participating on the site, Chad and all of us thank you. 
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