Monday, March 23, 2015

Announcing embeddable comment threads

We're excited to announce a new reddit feature: embeddable comment threads. This has been in beta for a couple of months - you may have seen a couple of examples from our beta testers. As of today, we're happy to say that it's available for everyone on all public subreddits.

Embeddable comments make it easy to showcase reddit comments on your website or blog without having to take screenshots or copy & paste long blocks of text. Embedded comments will respect the comment author's edits and deletions, and they'll always feature a link back to the original comment thread and subreddit.

Embedding a comment is as simple as going to a comment's permalink page, and then clicking on the "embed" link to generate a small snippet of code that can be inserted into a webpage or blog. You can optionally include a parent comment.

embedding a comment

reddit isn't just a source for news or adorable cat pictures; it's also home to some of the most vibrant discussions happening on the Internet. Here are just a few examples of the many diverse comments posted to reddit:

/u/najjex on why it's hard to farm truffles, and a reply from /u/thesmitestuff, an actual truffle farmer:

Dad jokes:

Heartfelt responses from healthcare professionals and patients on this recently posted photo:

And last but not least, Sir Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the web, on what makes the Internet so wonderful:

We couldn't agree more, and hope that embedded comments spread that spirit of global collaboration a little further. Also, geraffes.

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