Friday, December 05, 2008

Here comes a new challenger! With Sugar already adopted, we've got another dog to name

After the whirlwind adoption of Sugar, we asked our pals at the SF SPCA to send us another worthy orphaned dog for our TheCuteList naming contest.

I'd like to introduce you to the dog formerly known as Chip, go here to submit and vote on a new name for him. Same rules, same warm & fuzzy prizes for the winning redditor.

Chip, in his own words
view his profile | rename this dog!
8 years of living with the same family, and all of a sudden - here I am - interviewing new people as my best friend. I'm hoping the next one to step up is my dream pack. Someone told me I look like some famous guy - Clark Gable? I hope that helps my cause. I'm not too selective in what I'm looking for - Lots of outdoor activities - bringing me to things my houndy nose can sniff - the great outdoors is what I love!

If I may say so myself, I'm the perfect companion. Not too large, not too small, not too talkative, but not too shy. I love all things sniffable, and long walks through the neighborhood would give us a chance to meet new people, see new things, and of course - sniff new sniffs. I'll sit when you ask me to, heck - I might even hand over a paw to shake or a belly to scritchy-scratch. Kisses? I got em for ya. Snuggles when it's cold outside? No problem, buddy. So come on - let's find new, exciting adventures together!
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