Tuesday, September 30, 2008

WeAreTheMusicMakers wins the raise a reddit contest, PalinProblem the runner-up, and Animation wins best design

One month after announcing this contest giving away $7,500 in prizes, we've seen a lot of new communities spring up. Opening up full CSS customization also ushered in a variety of fresh skins. Alas, they can't all be winners, but we're going to be working with you, reddit creators, to continue to grow your communities. Expect us to be hiring someone soon whose sole responsibility it is to help your reddit take over the world -- or galaxy, depending on how ambitious you are.

That said, here are the victors, who, from almost nothing, created and raised healthy reddit communities in just a month:

Winner (and recipient of the following)
  • Macbook Air laser etched with the reddit logo
  • $1,500 Apple gift card
  • Stockpile of schwag (shirts, pins, and stickers) designed by me for their winning community
  • A reddit bobblehead and some bacon
Runner up
  • 32 GB iPod touch laser etched with the reddit logo
  • $1,000 Apple gift card
  • Smaller stockpile of schwag (pins and stickers) designed by me for their community
  • A reddit bobblehead
The last prize was rather subjective, but we evaluated them based on quality of design [66%], originality [33%] and best use of the color orangered, RGB #FF4500 [1%].

Best design
Subanim.com (AKA Animation.reddit)
  • Wacom Intuos3 9x12 pen tablet
  • $500 Apple gift card
  • A reddit bobblehead
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