Monday, February 02, 2015

A Snoo like you

There are 174 million people who visit reddit each month and come together to create this internet home we call reddit. And each one of you is unique, contributing something only you can share to create change and shared experiences and increase understanding.

The 8,000+ active and amazingly diverse communities on reddit came as a blank slate and were turned into something magnificent by you. You are the ones who make reddit what you want it to be. The ones who have customized Snoo in amazing ways to become the perfect mascot for your subreddit.

And now, Snoo can become your own personal mascot. We've already launched Snoovatars for those of you with reddit gold. And now we're doing one better.

Today, we're launching DIY vinyl Snoos that will allow you to show off your individuality or make yourself into whatever you want to be.

No creativity? That's okay. Get the official vinyl Snoo to celebrate reddit's 10th anniversary this year!

Share Snoo with the world

We'd like to invite you to join us in /r/snoospotting to show off what amazing customizations you create with your DIY Snoo or where in the world you take the painted Snoo with you. It's also a place where you can show off any Snoo spottings, whether it's a doodle in your own notebook, a sticker on someone's car, the plushy hard at work, or anything else. We pick our favorite post each month to win a year of gold!

Get the DIY vinyl Snoo here for $8.99!

Get the official vinyl Snoo here for $8.99!
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