Monday, October 07, 2013

Another Update on Gold

Dear everyone,

We’d like to thank everyone who’s been buying gold or gilding comments, and thought we’d share some interesting stats on where some of that gold goes.  The following are some stats we pulled on gilding activity over the past 6 months:

Most gilded subreddits:

(These links will take you to the “gilded” tab in each subreddit, showing you the gilded comments therein)

Sent to us via postcard.  You could send one in too.

Most gilded small subreddits (at least 500+ subscribers, sorted by gildings-per-subscriber ratio):

Secret pro-tip in the middle of this post - you can see a feed of all gilded comments here!  But back to...

Most highly-gilded threads:

Another postcard gem.
Note: Asking for gold is rarely the best way to get it.
Most highly-gilded comments (you'll want to read these):

99trumpets on Explosion at Boston?

More trivia: the most total gilding done by a single user over the past 6 months is 144 months of gold (that’s 5.6 gilds per week, so we’re pretty impressed), followed by 120 months for second place.  We’d tell you who they are, but unless otherwise notified, we assume that such beneficent benefactors desire to remain anonymous.

'How it Feels to get gifted gold' by /u/Half-Maus

And as an ongoing thanks for your support of reddit, we have three new gold benefits to announce:

Homejoy - cleaning your place.  Four months of discounted cleaning at $15/hour up to 20 hours/month with no charge for cleaning supplies.

UberConference - easy and better conference calls, with visuals.  We use this here at reddit, and like it a lot!  You get three free months of UberConference pro, which includes international dial-in numbers for 50 countries.

United Parcel Service (UPS) - 3 months free of MyChoice Premium, which allows you to tell them when you want your packages delivered to your house.  No more missed packages!

You can subscribe to any discussions about new and existing gold benefits at /r/goldbenefits.  If your interest is piqued consider buying yourself or someone you love reddit gold.

Lastly, thanks to you, our loyal gold users for supporting reddit with your gold subscriptions!  You’re helping to reduce our dependence on ads and make reddit community-supported!

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