Wednesday, May 26, 2010

It's a scavenger hunt!

Yesterday Wired magazine released their brand new iPad app. It's the same price per issue as the print edition ($4.99) and comes with a bunch of slick features. Now, normally we don't pimp out products from our sister site, but we made an exception for this one because we honestly think it's a breakthrough. Also they gave us brownies. But still, we really do think it represents the future of magazines. Read through the list of features or watch the video to see what we mean.

There is one other reason we like Wired on the iPad — there is a reddit alien in it! Yep, hidden in the very first edition of the Wired tablet edition is a reddit alien.

We thought it might be fun to thank Wired for doing this by having a little contest for people who buy the app. Here are the instructions:

- Buy an iPad (check first to see if you already have one).
- Install the Wired iPad app.
- Find the alien. It is hidden, but not that hard to find.
- Take a picture (be creative!), and upload it to imgur (but don't tell anyone!)
- Email us the link to the picture at

Your picture must have the following in it:

1. You
2. An iPad with the Wired tablet edition currently being displayed and on the page with the alien (in a way that is not clearly a lame Photoshop job)
3. Your username written on a piece of tape somewhere

The first ten valid entries will each receive either a pack of reddit buttons or an official sticker pack (winner's choice). These are a $9-$10 value, before even taking shipping into account.

Then we'll pick our favorite, most creative, picture out of all the valid entries, and that person will get a signed reddit Evolution Poster, and a special pre-release reddit T-shirt.

Lastly, all of the submissions will be submitted to a special reddit so that everyone can see the entries and vote on and discuss their favorites, and all of the successful entries will win a reddit award.

You can ask questions or talk about this contest on reddit.

Good luck!

Legally we're required to state that one way or another, the contest will be considered over by June 15, even if we haven't gotten as many submissions as we would have liked. Also, if you would like a means of entering without buying the app, please draw a picture of yourself holding an iPad with the reddit alien on it and mail it to reddit. Contact the admins for the mailing address and other details. Limit one prize per household.
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