Thursday, September 10, 2009

Just for you, reddit addicts: Track your karma (and reddit mail) in real-time!

So, you use reddit a lot, eh? Take your karma score pretty seriously? Get a warm and fuzzy feeling every time you see the orangered envelope?

You'd better download the redditAddict Lite app. Yes, it's free.

Not unlike our recent relaunch of Socialite (written by chromakode), we're adding another free app to the reddit apps portfolio. You might recognize the developer of this app from such websites as reddit.TV and; it's Tritelife!

This lightweight AdobeAir app works across OSs (yes, even Linux) and is sure to keep you more in touch with your reddit account than ever before. Watch how your karma trends with every submission and comment, or just listen; we've included a few sound packs, including one graciously donated by a UK redditor, MimiK, you may recognize from some of our t-shirt ads. When she's not working on her PhD in video games, she's doing excellent voiceover work (see "Union Jill" sound pack - tho we considered calling it "Union Jane").

As always, let us know what you think. Do let us know if there are any features you'd like to see included in the non-lite version (it just sounds wrong to call it the 'heavy' version).
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