Thursday, June 04, 2009

Reddit toolbar no longer lickable

Based on a week of feedback, we've made some changes to the new toolbar.

1. The gradient has been removed. We've learned the hard way that when it comes to Reddit, people just seem to prefer matte over glossy.

2. The comments panel has been moved to the left side. This allows the main frame's scrollbar to be against the edge of the screen, so if you're the kind who keeps your browser window maximized, you can go back to slamming your mouse to the right whenever you want to use the scrollbar.

3. The comments panel is now off by default. Sigh. We nonetheless hope you'll check it out now and then; we still think it's pretty neat.

4. Until now, if you had "display links with a reddit toolbar" set in your prefs, you wouldn't be able to mouse over a link and see where it goes -- it would always say, "". Now it don't!

5. As before, you can click the submission title (in the middle of the toolbar) to get to the main Reddit page with the full discussion and whatnot. Now, we advertise this fact a little more prominently.

6. By extremely popular demand, we now cram the famous orangered envelope into the toolbar when you have mail waiting.

Even if you're afraid of new things, you can take it for a spin here -- it won't have any permanent effect unless you change the setting.
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