Thursday, May 21, 2009

Winner of the 6 degrees of chocolate bacon contest announced - behold the winning entry

Thanks to all of you who participated, your love of bacon ought to be enough of a prize for each of you. Alas, that still won't put bacon in your belly. So, here's the winner of the 6 degrees of chocolate-bacon contest:
Chocolate is in South America with Cocaine.
Cocaine is in prostitutes with politicians.
Politicians are in Washington with Ron Paul.
Ron Paul is in a religion with Creationists.
Creationists are in the Midwest with Cows.
Cows are in Artiodactyla with Pigs.
Pigs are associated with the Swine Flu.
The Swine Flu is transmitted through BACON.
A redditor who goes by Rickeon had the highest scoring entry and will be shipped a package of Boss Hog's Bacon Sueyts. Congrats, and do let us know what you think of them.
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