Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Books? Reddit thinks you should read them

If you're not running Adblock, you'll notice a new kind of ad running on reddit. Contrary to what you might think about the 6.5 people running a social news site, we actually enjoy reading text on paper from time to time.* Based on the burgeoning books.reddit community, we thought a few of you would be interested in some recommendations. Think of it like the Colbert bump, only let's call it the "alien bump."

And in the interest of full disclosure, if you happen to buy a book (or film, or videogame) through this advertisement, we get a percentage that pays for more servers. The alien will only be recommending things we think are worth recommending; if you disagree with a recommendation, reddit the ad and let us know.

*OK, a few of us have Kindles, too. There, we admitted it.
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